Wednesday, November 10, 2004

4 Days of Freedom!

Wow....It's kind of nice to sit down and write a post not having to worry about a bunch of other stuff I have to get done. Its been a while since I've been able to sit down, relax, install a new GUI X-System enviroment on Slackware 10, and watch the Lakers lose pittafully.

Firefox 1.0 Final Release is out. Download the "browser you can trust" NOW! Quit using IE, your just asking for a crapload of spyware and trojans.

Check it out....It's still under construction and really bad right now. JLouCrew (Jonathon and Louise's (my sister's) wedding site) will be fully comopleted by Sunday (I hope).

Halo 2 came out yesterday. Have you pirated your copy yet?

Check this site out, it's pretty awesome. Oh, and be sure to watch the Powerbook Paintball.

The Star Wars Episode III trailer can be seen for free on the Star Wars website. It's pretty cool.

Now, this is just plain awesome.

Thats if for now-


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