Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Help out LCLC Productions

Want to help LCLC Productions movies be even better? You can! All you have to do is make a small donation.

A problem we've struggled with on all of our movies is audio quality. So we decided to take action, and are planning on purchasing an overhead filming microphone. The mic we are going to get is can be seen here. It is a great mic at a great price, and you can help us out. Just email me, and we'll work out the details.

But wait...that's not all! (I've always wanted to say that) If you donate within the next two weeks, I can [almost] guarantee you a reduced price on past, present, and future LCLC Productions movie purchases, so donate today!


Gmail invites are still avalible; let me know if you want one!

Clarkville should be ad-free soon...it turns out 100Webspace's servers are in Florida and I guess they didn't hold up so well against the hurricanes.

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