Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Bavarian Club

I must say...It's been a very interesting week. The scary thing is, the weekend was even more "interesting," but thankfully in a different way.

I took the ACT for the second time on Saturday. I feel halfway decent about least I was somewhat prepared for the science section this time. I don't know if it was really worth it (i.e. I did any better) but we'll see.

Saturday evening my mom somehow talked my dad and I into going to the LA Bavarian club. It was a very interesting experience. I'll leave it at that. I wish I knew how to speak German. It was very "cultural" but there were some pretty neat people there. Hey, the sauerkraut was pretty good.

We got home around midnight so the natural thing to do was call Karl and go for a run. We went over to AVC for the Relay For Life, and despite the fact we weren't really sponsored (or supposed to be there) and ran a few miles on the track. The weather was absolutely perfect and the atmosphere really cool. It was a lot of fun. I'll have to do 1am runs more often.

Luke got fitted for his DocBand yesterday. I haven't seen him in person yet but it looks pretty cool. He doesn't really seem to mind it either. He has to wear the helmet for a few weeks while his cranium is under construction. Good stuff.

Pig's are flying. a bunch of weird stuff is going to come true.

I came across this pretty awesome video of a guy playing along with the William Tell Overture on a drum set. It's pretty cool...and about time we found a set drummer with some class.

Speaking of YouTube, Pitzer College has begun offering a media studies class focusing on watching and commenting on YouTube videos. I wish I could get college credit for sitting here and watching these stupid yet addicting things.

That's it for now...fresh Tehachapi apples are beckoning me.

1 comment:

emily saint pierre said...

All I'm sayin' is Wendy's Frosties totally tump Tehachapi apples.