After a very nice month long winter break I'm sitting back in my dorm fuming over excessively priced textbooks. As nice as the break was, I am sort of anticipating the start of classes tomorrow with a bit of excitement. My schedule is somewhat similar to last semester since Physics, Humtut, Orchestra, band, and lessons carried over. I'm also taking Biology, its lab, and golf (for fun and PE credit). 17 units...should be a good semester.
Our trip to Colorado was great (as expected). When Matt and Micah weren't screaming at 3am, all had an awesome time. The boys got to play in the snow and Matt got on some skis. I was able to get three days of downhill in which was pretty cool. Add that to Gmo's cooking, the view, and the cabin atmosphere and it was a really nice trip.
President Obama was sworn into office a few minutes ago. The little quartet they had play was pretty cool. It was an interesting read how Bush was moved out of the Whitehouse and Obama moved in-- all within a matter of hours this morning.
We had the Wii in Colorado but nobody has really messed with the Yoga too much. It adds a whole new level of excitement when you get Yoga Kitty involved. I keep wondering how long it would be before my cat ended up killing somebody if she were the infamous Yoga Kitty.
Back in the school mood, if you ever want to test some of the laws of mechanical physics, check out the Bouncy Ball game. Be careful though, it is a great time waster.
That's it for now...I need to start searching the internet for used textbooks.
That quartet during the Inauguration was pretty cool (Josh, Nithya, and I were chatting quite loudly in class during it trying to figure what songs). We watched it during our 2nd period class (Mr. House). It was a treat to see. They played some familiar stuff (Copland and such), but I'm sure you already know that. Cool stuff.
Clark if it is cold enough next year we will have to try this.
How's golf been?!
It's been pretty fun. It's been about 8 years since I've played but it's slowly coming back. There's some nice courses around's a fun class.
You sound like you've been keeping yourself busy. That's good.
Holy cow I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow!!
Yeah that's get to go back and suffer like the rest of us. Have fun!
My schedule is like death on steroids.
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